Which of the following programming languages are interpreted languages (select three.)

Which of the following programming languages are interpreted languages (select three.)

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of programming languages and explore their various types, advantages, and use cases. We will also discuss which programming languages are interpreted and compiled, and why they are popular among programmers.

Interpreted Languages vs Compiled Languages

A programming language can be categorized as either an interpreted or a compiled language based on how it handles the code during execution.

An interpreted language reads and executes the code line by line, without the need for compilation. This means that the programmer does not have to worry about generating machine code before running the program. Interpreted languages are easy to use and have a quick development cycle, making them ideal for beginners or rapid prototyping. However, interpreted languages are slower than compiled languages since they do not generate optimized machine code.

On the other hand, a compiled language translates the code into machine code before execution. This results in faster execution speeds and more efficient memory usage, but requires additional time for compilation and may require more resources to run. Compiled languages are typically used for system programming or high-performance applications where speed is critical.

Advantages of Interpreted Languages

Interpreted languages have several advantages over compiled languages:

1. Easy to Learn and Use: Interpreted languages are designed to be easy to learn and use, making them an ideal choice for beginners who are new to programming. They also have a simple syntax that is easy to understand, which makes it easier to write code quickly.

2. Quick Development Cycle: With interpreted languages, you can develop and test your code quickly without having to wait for the compiler to generate machine code. This means that you can iterate faster and make changes more easily, which speeds up the development cycle.

3. Platform Independent: Interpreted languages are platform independent, meaning that the same code can be run on any platform that supports the language. This makes it easy to move your application from one platform to another without having to rewrite the code.

Top 3 Interpreted Programming Languages

Now that we have discussed the advantages of interpreted languages, let’s look at the top three interpreted programming languages:

1. Python

Python is a popular high-level, interpreted, object-oriented language that has gained popularity in recent years due to its simplicity and ease of use. It has a large community of developers who contribute to its development and maintain its vast library of modules and packages. Python is widely used for web development, data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

2. JavaScript

JavaScript is another popular interpreted language that is widely used for creating interactive web pages and dynamic content. It is a high-level language that runs on the client-side of a web browser, making it an ideal choice for front-end development. JavaScript is also used for server-side programming with Node.js.

3. Ruby

Ruby is a high-level, object-oriented, interpreted language that was created in 1995 by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto. Ruby is designed to be easy to read and write, making it an excellent choice for beginners. It has a small but active community of developers who contribute to its development and maintain its vast library of gems. Ruby is widely used for web development, data science, and machine learning.


In conclusion, interpreted programming languages are easy to learn and use, have a quick development cycle, and are platform independent. Python, JavaScript, and Ruby are the top three interpreted programming languages that are widely used for various applications such as web development, data science, and machine learning. If you are new to programming or looking for an easy-to-learn language, consider learning one of these languages.


1. What is the difference between compiled and interpreted languages?

Compiled languages read the code and generate machine code that can be directly executed by the hardware, while interpreted languages execute the code line by line without the need for compilation.

2. Why are interpreted languages popular among programmers?

Interpreted languages are easy to learn and use, have a quick development cycle, and are platform independent, making them an ideal choice for programmers.

Top 3 Interpreted Programming Languages